At its heart, Sundance is about discovery. Some of our brightest, biggest filmmaking stars — we’re talking Steven Soderbergh, ...
Another Round’ director Thomas Vinterberg, Goteborg’s Artistic Director Pia Lundberg address controversial remarks of Swedish ...
Despite being known for the bleak cynicism in his earlier films like 'The Celebration', there has been a change in Thomas Vinterbergs recent films.
And, with luck, I’ll also find time for a round of golf among the rolling hills of eastern Holstein. Magnus Carlsen, a 34-year-old Norwegian, is among the greatest chess players of all time.
The Fighting Saints won nine of the 14 matches en route to a 48-16 victory over the Braves at the KMS quadrangular. The ...
Magnús Guðmundsson, fyrrverandi sóknarprestur, fæddist í Reykjavík 29. janúar 1925 en hann lést 9. desember 2006. Foreldrar hans voru Guðmundur Magnússon, umsjónarmaður í danska sendiráðinu, og Helga ...