Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state: (a) the details of GST/IGST collection over the past five years; (b) the ...
Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state: (a) whether Government is imposing 18 per cent GST on medical devices and ...
Andhra Pradesh High Court held that notice issued under section 41-A of the Indian Stamp Duty Act, 1899 for non-payment of ...
Madras High Court held that ex-parte order passed under Section 73 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act without ...
Bombay High court Allows SVLDR Scheme Benefit by striking down SVLDRS-3 as the same not served to petitioner due to technical ...
Further, FIU-IND have also implemented various measures for detection, prevention and elimination of mule accounts, which ...
NCLAT Chennai held that claim raised by operational creditor towards performance pay cannot be taken as operational debt ...
Section 498A IPC Often Used Against Husband And His Family To Meet Wife’s Unreasonable Demands, Growing Tendency Of Misuse: ...
18. It is claimed by the Appellant that, as per Section 43 of the Code, the Liquidator should have found an opinion based on ...
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Union of India & Anr. v. BT (India) Private Limited [Diary No.44385-2024 XIV dated ...
Under Section 248 (2) of the Act, a company may voluntarily file application for strike off if it has not commenced business within one year of incorporation or not been carrying on any business or ...
Banks have set any criteria for lending loans to MSME and if so, the details thereof; b. whether many MSMEs are facing problems in getting loans from banks and if so, the steps taken by the Government ...