Digitalization is revolutionizing the supply chain, transforming industrial procurement processes through the integration of technologies such as IoT, Big Data, artificial intelligence and blockchain.
前向きなイメージが中央銀行に次のように述べさせた 「ディスインフレプロセスは順調に進んでいる」 ...
欧洲央行第四次降息。在理事会的声明中,不再提及“只要有必要,就将利率维持在足够严格的水平”的承诺。拉加德谈一月份降息50个基点:“我真的没有考虑过” 新的降息是自 6 月以来的第四次 欧洲中央银行 存款利率升至3%,主要再融资操作利率升至3,15%,边际贷款利率升至3,40%。 吸引投资者注意力的并不是(几乎)每个人都认为理所当然的降息,而是 使用的公式 来传达它。理事会的声明中不再提及“在必要的 ...
Quarto taglio dei tassi da parte della Bce. Nel comunicato del consiglio direttivo non c’è più alcun riferimento all’impegno ...
European stocks accelerate after the ECB, as expected, cut interest rates by 25 basis points. Eyes on the news coming from ...
John Galliano leaves Maison Margiela: the British designer said goodbye after ten years as artistic director. The farewell on ...
Mirafiori will remain closed until January 20, 2025, with production of the electric Fiat 500 and Maserati suspended due to ...
According to Il Messaggero, the operation is led by Camfin CEO Giovanni Tronchetti Provera, with a pool of banks headed by ...
The stock on Piazza Affari rises. Since the beginning of the year it has gained 78% against the +14% of the Mib ...
Il primo piano industriale targato Donnarumma mira ad aumentare del 30% i ricavi, migliorare la puntualità e potenziare la ...
El primer plan industrial de Donnarumma tiene como objetivo aumentar los ingresos en un 30%, mejorar la puntualidad y ...