Learn about Olive and Sinclair while tasting your way through their unique process of making bean-to-bar chocolate. Fee includes transportation and guided tour. Bring money for lunch. Cost: $30 Limit: ...
View current and previous years agendas and minutes for City Council and all boards and commissions. Individuals wishing to speak at a public meeting must sign up at least six hours prior to the ...
This class concentrates on muscle-building techniques and activities for intermediate to advanced exercisers. It includes standing and floor work and may use body weight, hand weights, weighted bars, ...
Tai Chi Based on an ancient Chinese discipline, this class consists of slow movements, gentle postures, deep breathing and relaxed minds and bodies Perfect for all ages and skill levels, this class ...
Yoga focuses on improving your balance and flexibility while reducing stress. Class may include stand and floor/mat work. For beginner and intermediate levels.
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Our parks were developed to provide the citizens of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County with wholesome family recreational activities. We encourage your participation and request your cooperation in ...
Select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button and ...
Step & Tone Basic and advanced moves using a traditional aerobic step. It is designed for most fitness levels and consists of moderate to high impact movements. This class may include body weight and ...
Select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button and ...
Select a calendar to view a specific calendar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button and ...