Meta said it recently worked with research firm Graphika to take down romance scams in three common categories: those impersonating military officers, celebrity mimics and scammers posing as fake ...
Meta said it recently worked with research firm Graphika to take down romance scams in three common categories: those impersonating military officers, celebrity mimics and scammers posing as fake ...
Suryawanshi lured candidates from poor backgrounds in Maharashtra and Karnataka with false Army job promises, charging ₹3 lakh each, amassing ₹5-10 lakh.
The two appeared before Principal Magistrate Hosea Ng’ang’a and a martial of eight senior military officers, who will assist the magistrate in determine the case. The suspects were in full ...
Meta said it recently worked with research firm Graphika to take down romance scams in three common categories: those impersonating military officers, celebrity mimics and scammers posing as fake ...