Researchers leverage new methods measuring type, concentration, and distribution to determine how far—and which—pesticides ...
In February, during the flowering time of black cumin (Nigella sativa), beekeeper Pavel Hossen set up an apiary on leased ...
A recent survey found an average loss of 62% of bee colonies among commercial operations in less than a year. Causes and ...
JUAN ESPARZA LOERA Fresno Bee file Fresno and the San Joaquin ... This means more exposure to toxic chemicals, more truck traffic bringing hazardous materials through our communities, and more ...
Bee on a purple flower Pesticides, widely used to protect crops from pests, often unintentionally harm pollinators like bumble bees. The new study ...
The results show that bees' responses to these chemicals depend mainly on how they are exposed ... shows it's the timing of exposure that truly defines its impact. Current toxicity tests focus almost ...
With recent studies revealing the harmful and worrying health effects of microplastics, it's more important than ever to use ...
Synthetic dyes used to make brightly colored cereals, drinks and candies are coming under scrutiny in states across the ...
The statewide network of more than 200 organizations spent years lobbying for a warning system to reduce harms caused by the toxic chemical. Gustavo Aguirre, associate director at the Delano-based ...