Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems has received the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Encouraging Environmental ...
Finchglow Travels, has been honoured with the Agency of the Year award in the Platinum Category by three foreign carriers.
Indianapolis-based Adult & Child Health received the Gold-level Bell Seal certification from Mental Health America ...
Vinny Aquino, president of the university’s Pride Club, earned the system-wide honor recognizing student leadership for ...
Women of Distinction Award ceremony at Ithaca College was held March 21 in Klingenstein Lounge. The award, which is part of ...
In recognition of outstanding nursing care, Joanna Swihart, RN, was recently awarded the DAISY Award at MaineHealth Franklin ...
Billy Redican has received the BEE Award (Be Exceptional Every Day) at MaineHealth Franklin Hospital in recognition of his ...
Orange High School seniors Camryn Katz and Olivia Ullner have been honored with the President’s Volunteer Service Award by ...
UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., awarded the medal to Irwin Jacobs and his late wife Joan in recognition of the couple’s ...
Nigerian music star Jumabee has added another milestone to his career, receiving a prestigious Certificate of Recognition from the Canadian government, specifically the City of Brampton.This latest ...
The Cherry Award is the only national teaching award presented by a college or university to an individual for exceptional teaching Three preeminent scholar/teachers from United States universities ...
Tenzin Yoedchenma Dorjee from Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School won the 17th Golden Youth Award (GYA). The award ceremony, ...