Though, pleasingly, Pokemon TV is back on YouTube and is currently dripfeeding the classic first two seasons of the anime for free. Away from the main series, there are multiple Pokemon specials ...
No matter if you have one or more favourite anime characters, in this game, you can probably play them all. With these Anime Switch codes, you can get the best characters and work your way up through ...
Anime fans -- as you know if you have any living in your house -- are passionate about the characters and series they love. This list includes some of our favorites for teens and older tweens. Some of ...
Specifically, you’ll see Pokémon that belong to four popular character’s from the Pokémon games and anime: Iris, Hop, N, and Lillie. Generally, the older and more scarce a Pokémon set is, the more ...
Not only was Ho-Oh teased in the CoroCoro magazine, but it also made an appearance in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime. Protagonist Ash Ketchum spots a Ho-Oh, but his Pokédex is unable to ...
Elite Fast TMs in Pokemon Go are extremely rare items you won’t want to waste, so to help you dominate both PvE and PvP, here are the best options to teach your Pokemon. Because of how hard it ...