Considering how many of them there are these days, finding the best Lego sets can feel like an impossible task. Or like finding a brick in a haystack of bricks, actually. You can choose between ...
They are, collectively, some of the best-designed minifigures in recent LEGO history; the Cyclops and Gambit especially stand out for their costuming and creative use of accessories. The mansion's ...
Released in June 2021, the Lego Art World Map contains 11,695 pieces, making it the biggest Lego set ever made. Much more a piece of home decor than a typical model or plaything, it’s over one meter ...
This set was part of the most recent round of new Star Wars LEGO sets to arrive in 2025, and we had the chance to actually build it ourselves. The Droideka are notoriously tough. In The Phantom ...
Fiecare femeie isi doreste sa se descopere si sa se cunoasca mai bine pe sine, inainte sa interactioneze cu cei din jur. Exista foarte multe mijloace prin care ea poate face acest lucru, de la cartile ...
Perfect – așa a fost sezonul regular pentru handbalistele de la CS Judeţean Prahova! Meciul din deplasare cu Star Mioveni nu a făcut altceva decât să parafeze marşul triumfal al fetelor de la CS ...
Valentine's Day, cunoscută și ca Sfântul Valentin sau Ziua Îndrăgostiților, a fost sărbătorită în toată lumea pe 14 februarie. Excepție nu au făcut nici fotbaliștii, care au dedicat ziua de vineri ...
From realistic NASA-based shuttles to fun lunar playsets, these are the best Lego space sets you can buy right now. We love Lego almost as much as we love space, and thankfully, Lego seems to too ...
Note: this list covers officially announced Lego sets. There are no rumours, leaks, nor models the writer ham-fistedly pieced together from a pile of random bricks. I’m a regular contributor to Stuff ...