From the first elves in Middle-earth, to Beren and Lúthien, to Isildur — Aragorn has quite the extensive family tree in Lord ...
DROP make some of the finest keyboards on the market today, I should know, I actually bought my son one a few years ago, and it’s still typing like it was brand new, it’s absolutely stunning. But ...
But the Drop + The Lord of the Rings Gondor CSTM80 keyboard is a much more subtle affair, and something you could actually take to work without revealing your Hobbit-appreciating tendencies to the ...
After rewatching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it’s easy to wish that ... comparing it to a "Dark Tree" of sorts. Saelon, however, shifts the conversation to the people, noting that many ...
“Trees vanish very quickly, and a clump that has taken years to grow is gone in a day.” These words, written 127 years ago this month by Lady Augusta Gregory, acquired renewed resonance after ...
Its exaltation of trees reminds me of Tolkien’s Tree of Gondor and the human capacity to appreciate the simple beauty of living things. But I also find mathematical inspiration in the Islamic ...
The patriarch of 1883, James (Tim McGraw) was a farmer from Tennessee. Haunted by his experiences in the Civil War, where he served in the Confederate army during the Battle of Antietam and was ...
In The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn and Galadriel represent two ... Aragorn is a descendant of Isildur and is the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor. Raised by the elves of Rivendell, he becomes ...
CORVALLIS — It’s the time of year when fruit trees are on the minds of beginning and experienced backyard enthusiasts. More and more homeowners are adding fruit trees to their landscape and ...
Portland wants to plant 660,000 trees over the next 40 years and launch a citywide and city-managed street tree maintenance program that will take the financial burden off residents. A draft of ...
Every tree tells a story, and at the heart of each story is a journey of growth unfolding year after year. The narrative of a tree is etched in its rings, with each ring—unique in size, width and ...