Hoopa Unbound can be a great Psychic-type attacker for raids. However, it is outshone by a bunch of Mega Evolutions and Mewtwo. It cannot defend Gyms but it can provide you offensive assistance in ...
To keep up with competitors, trading card games often need to develop new mechanics and new styles of cards so that players ...
This one is a little tricky to learn and get the hang of, but there's a lot of potential, especially to counter the common Mewtwo psychic deck that's dominating the meta. You bring out Koffing and ...
Charizard ex also has 180 HP — enough to survive a hit from some of the most powerful attacks, like Mewtwo ex’s Psydrive. Galaxy brain here, but if you want to counter the Celebi ex counter ...
When paired together, Mewtwo EX and Gardevoir form a deck that ... t offer a lot of flexibility and if your opponent has a counter, then you are stuffed. The Exeggutor EX Deck is an easy deck ...
Otherwise, they may provide direct counters to some of the most popular ... The easiest way to put this deck together is to select the Mewtwo pack upon starting a new account as you’ll obtain ...
Get your very own GO Hub t-shirt, mug, or tote. Your #1 Resource for Everything Pokémon GO. Stay updated with the latest Pokémon GO news, events, raid strategies, and top tier guides. Join a community ...
After battling with the Kanto region’s Legendary Mewtwo, Kyogre ... everything you need to know about his lineup and the best counters to help you defeat him and storm to victory on the battlefield.
Mewtwo, or Shadow Mewtwo are also great choices for this Raid ... Remember Mega Rayquaza being a good Incarnate Forme Thundurus counter? Well, on top of that, you can also get bonus XP, candy and ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown finally has the perfect counter to meta Mewtwo ex decks that run rampant in online battles. Mewtwo ex decks continue to prove incredibly popular in TCG ...
Mewtwo V Union is a Psychic-type card. This Mewtwo is fairly beefy, with 310 HP and the ability to attack for 300 damage using Final Burn. Its Psysplosion attack lets you put 16 damage counters on ...