Three piglets have vanished from a controversial Denmark art exhibit in which they were deprived of food and water as a form ...
Marco Evaristti’s provocative exhibition in Copenhagen was designed to protest Denmark’s pork industry. But then there was a ...
It takes an entire day to feed all the pigs reared in the great outdoors on a farm in Denmark, such is the scale of the somewhat unique enterprise. Peter Bruun, 59, and his ...
Stafford County Deputy Peterson assists in delivering piglets Hamela and Lindsay from a distressed 400-pound pig named Barbie ...
NAMSAI, 17 Mar: Ninety piglets, along with medicines and feed, were distributed to 41 farmers during a kisan gosthi-cum-input distribution programme for livestock farmers organised at the KVK premises ...
Pigs’ nutritional requirements are highly specific, and feeding them correctly is key to realising their genetic potential. It emphasised in the guide that farmers must adopt creep feeding for ...
ZIRO, 15 Mar: The Ziro Valley Charity Mission Society (ZVCMS) organised a skill development programme (SDP) on scientific pig farming at a hotel here in Lower Subansiri district on Friday, in ...
It takes an entire day to feed all the pigs reared in the great outdoors on a farm in Denmark, such is the scale of the ...