The Pokémon anime's original seasons are classics, but the anime actually reached its peak in the Sinnoh era, where ...
In the Eterna Forest, our heroes meet a treasure hunter named Cheryl who's on a mission to discover the Amber Castle, which ...
Are you a Diamond and Pearl Master? Take this super tough quiz to test your knowledge on this epic Pokémon story arc!
Watching Pokemon in order from start to finish hasn ... Ruby and Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl, Black and White, XY, Sun and Moon, Journeys, and Horizons. As of writing, however, not all episodes ...
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl introduced Pokemon trading into the modern age. Instead of using a cable link, the games made use of the Nintendo DS' WiFi connectivity to trade Pokemon with other players.
Characters: More than 100 new Pokémon make their debut in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl. Many are new, and some are even evolutions and pre-evolutions of characters from past games.
As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the schemes of this mysterious group of villains - as well as facing some other ...