Major changes were almost made to Pokémon when the first games were brought to the United States, and I wish I could have ...
F or decades, Ash Ketchum has been the face of the Pokémonfranchise, traveling across regions, battling Gym Leaders, and ...
One skilled Pokemon fan carves impressive models of Torkoal out of wood, showing off two versions of the creature from Gen 3.
The second part of the ongoing arc in One Piece will officially be released on April 6th, 2025, but won’t be added to Netflix ...
Raikou has arrived to Max Battles, and here's your chance to add this Pokémon to your roster, teaching it the best attacks.
A senior in high school, Nataan Hong works as a pop music producer and as a composer for the Pokemon TV series.
Wooper is currently available in an online bundle and includes the following items: ...
If you’re desperate for a specific Pokémon in Niantic’s location-based mobile game, you need to check out this new Pokédex ...
One of the many wonderful things about animation is you can literally own the movie you love. Before computers took over, ...
The standout difference is that the edge of the model looks much sharper, while the lines on areas across the body help to ...
The three-inch-long “Cheetozard,” a Flamin' Hot Cheeto that looks like the Pokémon Charizard, sold for $87,840 at auction at ...
The crypto industry spent $119 million getting Donald Trump elected, and it's already gotten its money’s worth — even before ...