Fortnite developers removed Water Sprites after players discovered a glitch that basically provides infinite health and shield gain.
Born Again season 2 has revealed the Man Without Fear's updated MCU costume, but does it finally feature the iconic "DD" logo? You can watch the video ...
The Pokédex holders are the Pokemon Trainers coined by Professor Oak to be the most exceptional in the Pokemon manga. Which ...
The first Pokémon route looks rather archaic today, considering that it’s just a straight shot between Pallet Town and ...
During the Quaquaval Tera Raids, there will also be special Mass Outbreaks for Charcadet, Smoliv, Finizen, Applin, Sewaddle, Poliwag, Porygon, Scyther, and Lapras in Paldea, Kitakami, and the Terarium ...
Pokémon Champions is bringing together cross-generational battle mechanics for the first time in the games, even though the ...
From now until April 1, squads and duos will battle it out to grab one of four Crystal Llamas and make a daring escape using the Getaway Vans. First three teams to extract win the match!
Whether or not you’ve fought the creature in the past, there’s a lot to keep in mind before your confrontation. This guide covers the Gore Magala weaknesses and resistances so you can prepare ...
This is my follow up to the “Ranking Fire Pokemon Starters,” with a rendition of ranking the water starters! Again, I have never played any of the mainline games, so I will do my best to rank on ...
This gives it only three defensive weaknesses: Water, Ground, and Rock. To avoid Skeledirge’s Tera-boosted Fire attacks, you could bring a Pokémon with the Flash Fire or Well-Baked Body ...
Lenskart CEO Peyush Bansal highlighted that, although discussions about an IPO are ongoing, the company is primarily focused on growth and maintaining consistency with customers, which is crucial for ...