The 38th Guam Legislature has nine Republican senators responsible to chair 38 committees. The four freshman Republican senators chair 16 of these committees, which is close to half of all the ...
TAMPA, Fla. — The U.S. Department of Education has sent civil rights letters to 60 colleges and universities across the country, including the University of South Florida and the University of ...
I just finished rereading John Steinbeck’s “The Moon Is Down.” The short novel traces oppressors (Nazis, in this case), who, without provocation, take over a small democratic town.
To the Editor: The rules have changed as they surround the ability to register to vote on election day. There is no more affidavit option if a voter does not bring the required documents to register.
If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us. We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our ...
As a parent of former Wyoming public school students and the grandparent of a future Wyoming public school student, I am frustrated and saddened by the state’s decision to funnel public tax ...
The zone-flooding actions of President Trump and Elon Musk remind me of a long, intertwined line of dominos. With the tip of the first domino, a rapid, uncontrollable cascade results. Trump and ...
I am writing in response to Stewart Cumbo’s letter to the editor in the Feb. 28 edition of Southern Maryland News with his alarming proposal to "modify" the First Amendment. Mr. Cumbo’s ...
This letter is from George Murphy, a resident of Fairfield. My dad and sisters worked for the Defense Department in the capacities of engineer, nurse, and auditor of defense contractors. I worked ...
*Refers to the latest 2 years of stories. Cancel anytime. I always thought that Congress was the branch of government that had the responsibility to fund or eliminate funding for any ...
Zelenskyy met the king. That is to say, after he left Washington, he met King Charles III upon arriving in the UK. The news from the summit in London has had me humming the theme song from a ...
The recent whining over the work of the Department of Government Efficiency ignores at least one important fact: Government at all levels spends our money. We, the taxpayers. It does not belong in ...