Z-A may feature over 26 new Mega Evolved Pokémon beyond several original Mega Evolved Pokémon first introduced in Pokémon X, ...
A talented fan artist designed Mega Victreebel based on the upcoming Pokemon Legends: Z-A, rumored to feature an official Mega evolution of the creature. The Mega Victreebel design features an ...
Sizzlipede and Centiskorch, its evolution, are two Gen 8 Pokémon who can now be caught in Pokémon Go. Inspired by centipedes, Sizzlipede and Centiskorch are both Fire and Bug-type Pokémon.
Its flame sac is small, so energy is ... Everything in the Fuecoco evolution line is a Fire-type Pokémon, with Skeledirge gaining Ghost-typing. (Image via pokemon.com) Fuecoco evolves into ...
A Pokemon fan's Poison-type Eeveelution design impresses with its creative Nickelodeon theme and high quality art. Despite there being no official Poison-type evolution for Eevee, fans have ...
It looks like Chikorita’s final evolution, Meganium, is going to get the regional form treatment like Typhlosion did in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Where Typhlosion went from strictly a Fire type ...