Will Halcott has been working his way up to 100 days on skis for years now—an impressive feat for the boy who just turned six.
Many Northeast Kansas school districts are adjusting their schedules to accommodate for exceeding the built-in snow days.
Yaguang Zhang, a clinical assistant professor of agricultural and biological engineering as well as agricultural sciences ...
While some Omaha-area districts have had as many as seven snow days this school year, most don’t anticipate needing to make ...
Since Jan. 1, roughly a dozen major winter storms have shuttered school doors around the United States and kept students home ...
A winter (well, spring) storm is expected to drop up to 9 inches of snow in parts of Minnesota on Wednesday, with schools ...
Administrators, alumni, and the Haskell Foundation work to minimize damage after mass federal layoffs at Haskell Indian ...
While safety is paramount, the current system of blanket school closures is failing our kids and families. And it has a ...
After stormy winter forced several snow days, Kansas education officials are unlikely to waive legal requirements on the length of the school year.
“I was pretty stoked,” Wright said. “We’ve been waiting for a good snow day, and I’m just glad I had a day off to come up and enjoy it.” The Hanson siblings, visiting from ...
The snow also forced Gala Yuzawa Snow Resort, about 12 miles by road from Kagura, to close for a day in late February — its first closure in more than 30 years of operation. A spokesman ...