Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental American adults lost $47 billion to identity ...
Americans lost more money to fraudsters last year than ever before, new data shows. But there are several ways to protect yourself.
News4 and Consumer Reports have new advice on how to stop annoying robocalls and avoid becoming a fraud victim.
Scammers have been sending fake texts about E-ZPass for over a year. Know what to look out for and what to do.
After Windows defenses improved, the attackers switched to targeting Mac and Safari users with these very effective scams.
Once installed on a victim’s computer, the malware used in this campaign can steal personal information and even Social ...
Last Summer an intelligent local businessman got scammed out of $6000 through an elaborate online and phone scam. This is the ...
The key to avoiding identity theft is understanding how it works. Learn what makes you a target–in order to not become one.
It was almost an hour into our Google Meet call. I was interviewing Kitboga, a popular YouTube scam baiter with nearly 3.7 ...
Hacking is more prevalent today than it ever has been, but there is still a lot of bad information out there. Here are the ...
Plus: A nominee to lead CISA emerges, Elon Musk visits the NSA, a renowned crypto cracking firm’s secret (and problematic) ...
An onslaught of unsolicited texts to Americans’ phones in recent months claiming they owe unpaid tolls and E-ZPass bills is ...