Over a year in now it would be easy for the bloom to be off the rose with Marvel’s new Ultimate Spider-Man, but series scribe Jonathan Hickman continues to find ways that reinvent what we know while ...
Peter Parker takes his new sidekick, his son Richard Parker, out for their first training session in a preview of Ultimate Spider-Man #15.
In a CBR review of Ultimate Spider-Man #14, learn how Jonathan Hickman continues to take the series in unexpected directions ...
The first nemesis of the current generation of Ultimate X-Men returns in Ultimate X-Men #14, with the Shadow King coming back ...
Marvel has released a first look at June's Ultimate Comics, including the debut of a new Spider-Man, an attempt to deprogram ...
The Ultimate Universe's two Spider-Men are about to join forces in a highly anticipated team-up that will give Peter Parker ...
Spider-Man, Ultimate or Amazing, has super strength. Up against someone without superpowers, he will flatten them, even if he is holding back. Such as in today's Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by ...
Spoilers ahead, obviously… but not as big a spoiler as will be coming later! Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto, published today meet-cutes the sixteen-year-old ...
Fast-paced and full of jokes, “Ultimate Spider-Man” features animation that shifts style when appropriate to the story. Peter often addresses the audience directly, and his inner thoughts are ...
Sung Il-Hwan was sent back to Earth to avert an upcoming catastrophe. Jin-Woo's powers come from Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch. Earth was prepared for catastrophe with the rise of Hunters and Gates ...
The UAE delivered a clear message during National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed’s visit to the White House on Tuesday: artificial intelligence is in, and Israel’s war on Gaza is ...
the end result is the ultimate Spider-Man TV series." All episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man are now streaming on Disney+.