VRChat, the VR social and games platform available on nearly every platform, has thousands of fantastic worlds to explore.
A study found that when people were told to imagine their virtual bodies in pain, their brains resisted the illusion of ownership. Their findings could provide insights into why some people may ...
A study from Hiroshima University found that when people were told to imagine their virtual bodies in pain, their brains ...
Selkirk College in Castlegar and the Castlegar and District Community Complex will be hosting an interactive event for ...
Virtuix has announced its ‘Omni Mission Trainer’ – a mixed reality and treadmill-based soldier training system | Mixed ...
Top 50 prospects can attend decentralized event; selections will meet team representatives in virtual reality room ...
Since its inception in 1929, La Liga has endured many challenges and has emerged as one of the most influential football leagues globally. Each match serves as an exhibition of skill and passion, ...
Prisons are using virtual reality to help inmates cope with loneliness in solitary confinement. VR technology provides ...
Most hockey-crazed fans will skip out on enjoying the weekend sunshine to watch their favorite team get decimated on TV. But ...
Can VR reveal hidden biases? This study explores how virtual encounters trigger subconscious stereotypes and emotional ...
Healthcare Virtual Assistant Market is Segmented by Type (Chatbots, Smart Speakers), by Application (Hospital, Clinic).