Scopely Inc.’s $3.5 billion purchase of the hit game Pokémon Go this month is part of larger strategy to build a business ...
The Pokédex hides some disturbing stories, and these Pokémon have creepy backstories that turn childhood favorites into total ...
The Nintendo DS’s debut gave rise to a tidal wave of experimental touchscreen games, and Pokémon Ranger was undeniably one of ...
Classic anime characters like Kamille Bidan from Zeta Gundam and minor characters like Bubbles from DBZ have unfortunately ...
Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of bitcoin, and had become an “elusive figure who might or might not exist,” writes Benjamin ...
The Pokémon franchise has come a long way ever since the days of taking over the world in the late ‘90s. With the 30th ...
It's a project the company said shows "glimmers of AI systems that tackle challenges with increasing competence, not just ...
Gengar and Murkrow, a pair of classic Pokemon, get wooden makeovers thanks to the impressive carving skills of one talented ...
Between data used to train geospatial control systems and the recent ownership change, the game that lets you catch Pokémon in the streets reflects a nightmarish reality.
A talented Pokemon fan designs six horror-themed versions of Bulbasaur, the popular Grass-type starter from the franchise's ...