As a harmful algae bloom continues to spread along California’s coastline, more animals are falling ill in San Diego.
A study by researchers at the University of South Florida is shining new light into the what causes red tide to bloom.
Lake Victoria is the largest of Africa’s Great Lakes, the second largest in the world after Lake Superior. George Bullerjahn, ...
Saturday is World Water Day, and it was established to recognize the importance of fresh water across the world and to advocate for sustainable management.
Researchers hope the study can eventually find a way to predict when blooms will occur, and how to reduce their effects on ...
A University of South Florida study linked viruses and red tide, and researchers now wonder if they can wield them to keep red tide at bay.
A high number of seabirds are getting sick in Huntington Beach due to a toxic algal bloom, according to the Wetlands and ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
According to a release from Lantra, the new program will create a U.K.-wide training initiative focused on mitigating the ...
Dolphins, sea lions and seabirds are being found sick along beaches throughout Southern California, poisoned by an ...
In one of the first studies of its kind, researchers used viral metagenomics to identify several viruses — including one new ...