Almost a metre of rain is forecast to fall over three days in parts of northern NSW as residents still devastated by the ...
The AFL is poised to make definitive call on Thursday night’s season opener in Brisbane, after the Queensland government ...
Tropical Cyclone Alfred is set to make landfall in south-east Queensland on Thursday and Friday. So now's the time to get ...
The looming arrival of Tropical Cyclone Alfred’s could play a role in deciding the fate of the federal election date.
Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to hit Australia’s east coast later this week, somewhere over southeast Queensland or northeast NSW.
More sandbags have been distributed across Brisbane than ever before, as south-east Queenslanders prepare for the cyclone to make landfall.
A cyclone is heading for a densely populated part of Australia's coast for the first time in 50 years. Tropical Cyclone ...
People have been accused of acting like "vultures" as a heavily populated Australian coastal region braces for ...
SYDNEY: A heavily populated stretch of Australia's eastern coast battened down Tuesday (March 4) for what could be the first ...
Hundreds of celebrities and richlisters including billionaires Gina Rinehart, Clive Palmer and TV star Karl Stefanovic are ...
A cyclone bearing down on the east coast of Australia has scrapped a golf event and threatens to disrupt the launch of the Australian Football League season.
The warming has led to an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events [in southern Australia] … In contrast, northern ...