Scientists found this therizinosaur had only two fingers on each hand, with 30-centimeter claws used to grasp branches and ...
Paleontologists unearthed the fossil in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, and the find is unique because of a sheath preserved on one ...
Paleontologists unearthed a fully preserved claw fossil. The prehistoric remains were found in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. A ...
Paleontologists have discovered the largest fully preserved dinosaur claw in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, belonging to a new ...
Most therizinosaurs had long claws to grab and manipulate plants, giving them “this reputation as Edward Scissorhands dinosaurs,” said Steve Brusatte, a professor of paleontology at the ...
Johnny Depp is one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic and versatile actors, a performer whose chameleon-like ability to inhabit ...
Johnny Depp was uncomfortable with the sex-symbol status he received at a young age after being cast in Tim Burton's "Edward ...
Johnny Depp recalls feeling uncomfortable with his heartthrob status in the late 1980s, when he first began collaborating ...
In a castle high on top of a hill lives an inventor's greatest creation - Edward, a near-complete person. The creator died before he could finish Edward's hands; instead, he is left with metal ...