Tracy Herman won the Wisconsin EMS Association EMT of the Year award for 13 years of volunteer service, going above and ...
A volunteer first responder from Allenton has been named EMT of the year.
Nicole Pizzi faces federal and local charges after allegedly assaulting a flight attendant, an EMT, and a nurse during a ...
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is America’s EMS certification organization – here’s how it works ...
A man is facing charges for stabbing a woman on Tuesday afternoon near Bessemer City. It happened at a home along Mountain ...
The family of a man who died during a medical emergency filed a lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia, claiming Emergency ...
Congratulations to Virginia Bouchillon, Baltimore County Fire Department EMT Paramedic first class, on winning the Veterans ...
EMS is the provision of emergency and unscheduled medical care outside the hospital environment. In addition to the EMTs and ...
A young New Jersey medic has been dubbed “a hometown hero” after stopping to help children injured in a crash involving their ...
To help get more people trained, two EMT training courses will begin Thursday (March 20, 2025). One will be held at the Jones ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the Saudi Disaster Medical Assistance Team (S-DMAT) as a Type 2 Emergency Medical Team (EMT), making Saudi Arabia the first country in the West and ...