The protagonist of the original ‘Pokemon’ series, Ash Ketchum, remained 10-years-old consistently for 26 seasons of the show ...
Televisheni ya taifa ya Sudani imesema siku ya Alhamisi kwamba jeshi linakaribia kuchukua udhibiti wa Ikulu ya rais mjini ...
Pokémon Horizons is aging up Liko and Roy with a time skip, hinting that growth is possible, does this mean Ash Ketchum could ...
Liko’s hairpin design in Pokémon Horizons is once again sparking excitement among fans, especially with its latest update in ...
There's one simple way that Ash could return to the Pokémon anime without completely derailing the plot of Horizons, but will they do it?
Recent reports indicate that the new Pokemon anime series has a time skip planned for its next season, breaking a franchise's ...
The news comes from the recent CoroCoro reveal of the next arc in Pokemon Horizons, Mega Voltage, which confirmed that this ...
SHULE ya Msingi Nkweshoo iliyoko Kijiji cha Nkuu Ndoo, Kata ya Machame Mashariki, Wilaya ya Hai, Kilimanjaro, ambayo ina ...
Jeshi la Sudan linasema wapiganaji wake wameingia katika ikulu ya rais katikati mwa mji wa Khartoum. Katika wiki za hivi ...
It's been a longstanding complaint among the Poke-fandom that Ash remained a 10-year-old boy through the entirety of his saga ...
Fans have speculated the fate of one major character in Pokemon Horizons since the reveal of the latest opening.