The accumulated trade balance over the previous 12 months registered a surplus of US$23.050 billion as of November 2024, a record in annualized terms.
The accumulated trade balance over the previous 12 months registered a surplus of US$23.050 billion as of November 2024, a record in annualized terms.
"The President will meet with five Heads of State and around 14 world-class business leaders to deliver a message that she has constantly emphasized: Peru is a trustworthy country, where one can ...
" Foreign Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer on Monday projected that United States-Peruvian relations will be fruitful during <a href=" President Donald Trump's second term, just as they were during ...
The <a href=" World Economic Forum (WEF) will bring together heads of state, the private sector, and specialists to address the main challenges of global development, with a focus on topics such as ...
" Ambassador Felix Denegri Boza presented to the <a href=" President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, the credentials accrediting him as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru ...
The country risk —measured by the EMBIG Peru spread— decreased 4 basis points (bps) from 161 to 157 between January 8 and 15, the <a href=" Reserve Bank (BCR) reported.
Peru's net international reserves amounted to US$82.448 billion as of January 15, the <a href=" Reserve Bank (BCR) has reported.
El jefe del Gabinete Ministerial, Gustavo Adrianzén, afirmó que el actual Gobierno que lidera la presidenta, Dina Boluarte, se mantiene firme y no le dará tregua a la criminalidad organizada que prete ...
Si de algo podemos sentirnos orgullosos los peruanos, es de nuestra geografía, clima, cultura ancestral y deliciosa gastronomía que en conjunto configuran uno de los destinos turísticos más atractivos ...
En el Día Nacional de la Paleontología, que por primera vez conmemora hoy el Perú, se presentó un fósil de uno de los parientes extintos del tiburón blanco de 9 millones de años de antigüedad en el In ...
Las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (mipymes) y emprendedores de todo el país podrán tramitar a menor costo sus créditos a entidades del sistema financiero u otro tipo de acreedor autorizado, con ...