We hope you enjoy your visit to our beautiful island, the last island of the Outer Banks, N.C. Ocracoke is the southernmost island of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Ocracoke, in Hyde County, is very ...
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Government in a democratic republic is intended as a public institution where the people not only decide who gets to be in office but also observe and scrutinize the activities of our elected ...
GOT A NEWS TIP? If you have an idea for an Observer story, send us a note at [email protected]. Include your name and contact info. We cannot guarantee all requests will be honored. The ...
OCBA meeting focusing on “What is Ocracoke’s Future,” bring your thoughts; let’s talk. 6 pm in the Community Center. Ocracoke Alive event: Cooking/Baking: Bagel making with David Tweedie. OUMC Rec ...
The award-winning Ocracoke Observer publishes nearly 35,000 copies yearly. We print the first of each month from March to December. Your ad will reach thousands who love the island.
Gene Stoel referees for the Ocracoke Dolphins. Text and photos by Peter Vankevich When was the last time you saw a sports referee get a standing ovation? This is exactly what happened before the ...
Henry McFall, 17, of Pittsboro, wins the 5K April 27, 2024, and the next day he won the half-marathon. Photo: C. Leinbach/Ocracoke Observer The Annual Scallywag 5K/10K & 7th Annual ...
Text and photos by Peter Vankevich Over the past 10 years, Ocracoke has been a wintering ground for three fascinating bird species. In 2018 a ...