If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. This publication states the fundamental safety objective ...
Esta publicación ofrece orientaciones sobre la planificación, la aplicación y la evaluación en un Estado de sistemas y medidas para detectar en el interior del Estado, mediante alarmas de instrumentos ...
Building on the IAEA’s 2021-2022 Webinar Series on Nuclear Law and in light of the growing demand for legislative assistance, particularly from embarking countries, the IAEA is launching a third ...
Irradiation can also complement and enhance traditional recycling methods. When combined with a chemical recycling method ...
国际核信息系统(INIS) 库建于1970年,是一个庞大的图书馆,包含近500万份报告、书籍、科学文献、会议文集和其他知识产品,涵盖核科学、反应堆技术、材料科学、医学应用、退役以及原子能机构涉足的所有其他领域。
Хотите узнать больше о деятельности МАГАТЭ? Подпишитесь на нашу ежемесячную электронную рассылку, чтобы быть в курсе самых важных новостей, получать аудио- и видеоматериалы и многое другое. Международ ...
El Sistema Internacional de Documentación Nuclear del OIEA, una biblioteca digital que cuenta con varios millones de ...
As the off-site power situation at ZNPP is still highly precarious, it is very important that these diesel generators can ...
Uranium (chemical symbol U) is a naturally occurring radioactive element. In its pure form it is a silver-coloured heavy metal, similar to lead, cadmium and tungsten. Like tungsten it is very dense, ...
CLP4NET course enrolment requires a valid NUCLEUS account. The NUCLEUS Web Single Sign-on system allows registered and authorized users to securely access a variety information resources with a single ...
无损检测让专家们在不损坏文物的情况下进行检查,因此也为 文化遗产 领域做出了重大贡献。无损检测技术使专家们能够在不造成损坏的情况下分析无价文物、雕塑和历史建筑的内部结构,从而有助于修复和保护工作。
The Kingdom of Jordan recently opened its first advanced nuclear medicine diagnostic centre in a public hospital with IAEA support, significantly increasing access to diagnostic services for cancer ...