The Georgia House of Representatives punted the question to the Georgia Senate this week when it passed two competing bills: one that would ban the school zone speed cameras and one that would tighten ...
Neal Horwitz and his wife, Jane Horan, moved to Lancaster a few months ago, settling in the west side of the city after ...
Georgia's House sends two opposing speed camera bills to the Senate—one for a ban and another for reform with limited hours ...
When it comes to Toronto’s speed cameras, vandalism can involve a lot more than a can of spray paint. A document released to ...
Some Georgia lawmakers are trying to get rid of automated cameras that enforce school zone speed limits, saying the cameras ...
Twelve new speed cameras are to be installed along a six-mile stretch of the A38 in Cornwall as part of a £750,000 road ...
MARTINSVILLE, Va. – 579,085 drivers were caught blasting through school zones and construction sites across the state, ...
Many schools in Suffolk have installed cameras to help enforce the speed limits in school zones — once a new camera starts ...