ELI5: Why does orange juice from Tropicana taste different
That Tropicana "Not From Concentrate" was like sex with my mouth, a revolutionary revelation blast from the future compared to the "from concentrate" stuff I was accostumbed to from my public school lunches. They must have invented something new.
Best/Worst Tower in the Tropicana : r/atlanticcity - Reddit
Oct 23, 2023 · So which is the best and which is the worst tower in the Tropicana? Stayed in the west tower a while ago and thought it was bad. Found the south tower better and like the Havana tower.
zero sugar cola vs Tropicana : r/nutrition - Reddit
Buddy, they do not “add” sugar. Tropicana Pure Premium has natural sugar, not added sugar. Juice like this is one of the least processed-processed foods and has nutritional values. The downside is the lack of fiber like you’d get from whole fruit. Not arguing if it has sugar or not, just specifically saying it’s not added sugar as you say.
What happened to the Tropicana? It looks terrible. Look at how
But yeah, the Tropicana has always been an outlier on the strip. Not part of MGM or Caesars. Nothing at all to the south of it. And near all the less desirable strip hotels like Luxor and Excalibur. The appeal of the Trop has always been the land underneath it. Big lot of land on the the corner of one of the busiest intersections in the world.
Tropicana renovation? : r/atlanticcity - Reddit
Apr 4, 2023 · Tropicana doesn’t have the nicest rooms but it has a lot of stuff to do. Im not real familiar with the room renovations but in the casino, they removed the buffet and added some restaurants. Reply reply
Tropicana? : r/atlanticcity - Reddit
Oct 4, 2023 · The Tropicana, read the reviews online, most of the towers at the Trop are old, rooms are dated. There is one newer tower that is better, not sure which one. But there is a lot to do there, place is huge with many places to eat. I like the Hooters on the boardwalk for a …
Harrahs or Tropicana? : r/atlanticcity - Reddit
Apr 23, 2022 · Tropicana, there more to do there although idk how nice the rooms are. Harrahs does have some good restaurants but its far away from the boardwalk, although it’s close to Borgata and Golden Nugget. Reply reply
Tropicana orange juice tastes bad : r/unpopularopinion - Reddit
Jan 2, 2023 · Sorry to comment on a 4 month old post, but my partner and I have been saying the same thing; Tropicana has changed in the last 3 years or so. The main carton/plastic carafe/handle product always tasted superior to the little cylinder shaped bottles often found at food service and hotels.
The loud plug Tropicana Cookies : r/TheOCS - Reddit
Aug 20, 2023 · Got Loud girl is an entirely separate person from the LP, just because she ripped off the name and they did 2 events together LAST year, doesn’t really mean a thing 🫣 Would also love to see some actual context behind the CEO being “creepy”.. seems like some of you just like to talk shit without having anything to back it up with
The story of Tropicana's failed re-design of its orange juice
Apr 29, 2020 · But in reality, how many shelf facings does Tropicana have, and how much of the communication is lost by showing the side panel (e.g. the top gable becomes invisible). Somebody dreamed of putting this in their portfolio, without …